

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"If you Fail to Plan, you Plan to Fail."

I'm never quite sure if I have encountered this quote before until I started to travel a lot for college. Along the highway, there's an isle where small advertising banners are located, in which the quote is printed. I read it whenever we pass by it for no particular reason. I don't really mind what's the use of it, it's just that it became my habit to stare out the window and observe the surroundings whenever I'm in a trip.

Not until today that I have finally realized that those banners were strategically posted there to remind everyone that planning is an essential part of an activity, which sadly I learned late. Just this afternoon, we are to show a role-play presentation about the topic given to us a week ago. We got so confident thinking we got a lot of time to make scripts, and prepare props and so we neglected the task and to continuously move the days to prepare all of it.

The moment of judgement came when we are already in front of the whole class which seemed to be anticipating something good for we got the most interesting topic: The social aspect of the pre-colonial Philippines. We never had the opportunity to sort things out nor plan what's gonna happen, we got a script- which was rushed- but didn't manage to get through and so we provided ad lib. In the end, I call it a Fail. Scenes were unorganized, props were just things we manage to pull of, and the characters? oh yeah, we did have a lot of fun :|

If only each and everyone of us cooperated or showed some effort to persuade every member of the group to start working, If only I manage to pull myself together and put my will on it, and start persuading my group without waiting for each others action, then probably we got a good plan and results.

As for students like me (whether you are in college,high school etc..) who got this kind of dilemma being unprepared whenever you are in a group report/ presentation/ activity, it does not show that everyone must always move together, we can still move as an individuals and as part of a team, we can always put things together in the end for a better outcome, and avoid that gonna-do-it-later habit, cause the more you postpone your activities more likely for it to be unaccomplished. Why do it later, when you can do much more today?

Yeah, Planning is important. It's the first thing to do to achieve your goals. And being the first means it becomes your foundation; which already shows the possible outcome of things. Planning=First then First=Foundation, therefore Planning=Foundation. And if your foundation is weak, then the whole structure will stumble and results to unwanted issues.

So muuch lesson learned for today.

Transparent Boundary

Monday, June 27, 2011
"If the eye does not want to see, neither light nor glasses will help

"The eye is the window to the soul"- if I remember the quote correctly. The eyes is one of the most important organ of the body, without the eyes, obviously you are blind. Without your sight you cannot see the beauty of your surroundings, observe the developments and changes happening in your environment nevertheless appreciate life.

But the eyes can do much more. It reflects your emotions, and shows what you really feel. You can smile and pretend to be happy but no matter what you do a frown can still be seen. For the eyes got this mysterious sparkle in them that may continue to glow or disappear. Through looking in one's eyes, a person can reveal what's beneath them.

Personally, I don't like people who can see through every actions I make, or the thoughts I have. not because I don't want to be understood rather I feel like I'm losing my privacy and my own will to direct my life and that's the reason I find the eyes such a scary thing. That's why I wear glasses (aside from the fact that I got a bad eyesight), eye glasses, though they are transparent it gives me a boundary... a separator. It obscure those people who would want to know what are the things going on in my head, or those who just wants to toy with my personality.

It may be a necessity or an accessory, but whatever purpose it serves you, I'm telling you there's much more meaning to it. Wearing glasses helps you to have a better sight, but sometimes, if you rely too much on the artificial vision it gives, unconsciously it reduce your confidence on your own authentic sight, making you doubt what you see and make a self fulfillment that you cannot live/see properly without the freakin' glasses. And that's when trouble comes in. Forgetting the fact that its not only the eyes can see, but also the heart.


This was short (?) and a little unorganized. I was supposed to post something different but I ended up talking about the eyes and eye glass (blame my sleepiness for this). Anyway, just another perception about things, observations, and experience.

Little Drops~

Saturday, June 25, 2011

"Rain, Rain go away come again another day, little children wants to play!"

In Science - is liquid precipitation
In religion - Blessing from God
In the eyes of the little kids - God's tears

In the mindset of this Blog owner (Yes! that's me).. Rain is...
"Rain is something comforting not depressing, and definitely not a nuisance but a beautiful ambiance"

Some people labels the rain as something to do with sadness, nuisance, hurtful memories and other more things which is associated with the feeling of loneliness. I was one of those people too, simply because I find rain an obstacle to my activities, and it separates me from my friends. Raining would mean I won't be able to go outside, meet my friends and play. I was on the verge of hating the stupid rain, when suddenly I caught myself staring outside the window and admiring the surroundings.

It's beautiful or rather, it's more like its astonishing. The ambiance feels refreshing, the sound of the dripping water is gentle and most of all, the breeze is cool more like its comforting the soul. Then the idea of me loving the rain struck me. And that time, I was denying it, thinking that : 'oh no, I will not be some emo-shit admiring the rain for stupid reasons!'

In the end I gave up, I LOVE THE RAIN and people may call me weird, but when you accept things around you, you can enjoy the happiness-in-disguise in everything or every situation. (I'm talking about the rain here, not some storms)


I just remembered how I started to love the rain 'cause right now its raining so hard that I got my classes for today and tomorrow suspended- and that's a good thing too, but in the worst side, its causing trouble to the local government and people. Flood is present once again. and since I am a Rain Advocate (is there such a thing? xD) I'd rather say that, rain is just a mere thing we encounter in our lives, its just that people became so irresponsible to take in the blames for their own wrong doings. We all need to start working and stop the blaming.


Friday, June 24, 2011
I haven't been posting for a while cause its either I'm too lazy, not interested or just too busy with school works, But there's something that just doesn't go out of my mind for a while now. And it is not a good thing to start with.

I admit that I'm just this typical plain stubborn girl of her teens. But that doesn't mean that I go all girly, enjoy the world of "FUN", acts according to what is in trend, go out with people whom I just met. Call me old-fashioned, antique, out of style etc... I don't really mind, cause people don't live just to get the approval of others. I live my life the way I want it to be, not that rebellious state, but rather that life of meanings. I always believe that life is a matter of choice. We get what we deserve.

So now, let's get to the point. Let's talk about teenagers these days.

I have noticed that almost (not all) teenagers these days acts immature or chose to act immature to get that attention they seek. Basically, I just don't get it. Of course, we cannot set aside the fact that everyone (even I) seeks or need attention-as they say, no man is an island- but when its too much it becomes unessential, it becomes annoying..REALLY ANNOYING. You ask why? just imagine this situation: when a girl seeks attention (whether from the person she likes or just the people around her), she tends to follow trends, goes out with people to hang out with for popularity even though she doesn't like it, and acts and speak like she is someone else. And all that she does unconsciously!

Teenagers chose to be irresponsible. but they can do much more than the adults. They can understand younger people cause they've been there but also, they understand the way adults think because sooner or later they will be one. Teenagers are clever and limitless...When they want something they will do anything for it- whether it is good or worse. As I said before : LIFE IS A MATTER OF CHOICES.

Today, when we hear the word teenagers, almost all people thinks that people of this phase is problematic,unhelpful,rebellious, irrational, got a lot of vices, troublesome and other more words synonymous to the words given above. And of course, I'll be one of those few who would stand up and protest that not all teenagers are like that.

Yes, us teenagers makes mistakes. but we cannot learn unless we fail. But choosing to continuously make mistakes knowing the great risks ahead does not lead to learning. Its being foolish. I'm not saying that I'm too mature, Oh c'mmon guys! I'm just 16 years old saying my 'effin opinion here knowing that nobody would even dare to read this, but I, myself want to make and start a difference.

Well what do I want to happen now saying all this stuff? I hope every teenager of this modern technological world does not forget that life isn't about jokes, or going with the flow of the situation, we have our own minds, we may not be able to do things in great ways, most of us are mr./ms. nobody, almost all of us gets underestimated by adults. And probably, like me, who hates being judged by a simple action, you too wants to change this perception of teenagers.

But the question of where to start and how to begin starts with us. No one understand us the way we do. So, we just need to think, flaunt our knowledge and wisdom. And no matter what others say, we must still do what is right, don't act according to your emotions or you'll be regretting it or gets pitied.

We are not in the old times, and that goes to our advantage, we don't need to get so popular to get recognized. Instead its being anonymous that gets us recognized! Internet. we are wide users of the net, and this, THIS IS OUR POWER and RESPONSIBILITY. we must take care of little things we do, we can also start to make a change by simply saying things in a proper way like: "hey, excuse me, but I do support Homosexuality and that is my opinion, everyone has the right to express their selves right? so long as they don't use negative and cursing words." and that can get you somewhere good.

We don't need to get to our 20's or mid 30's to get involve in things like supporting an anti-racial activity, join a political conversation nor support a clean and green project. We must not wait until we get all so stubborn looking for both sides of the matter. Cause when we get old, we tend to only take the one side without even looking at the other.

We must not just blend in with the common crowd. we must take every chances to stand up and make a difference. It's okay to be called MATURE than your age, rather than being called immature, foolish and childish and forever be underestimated by those depraving eyes of the world.

we can always have fun, if we like, we can still be happy. we can do much, much more than what our mind can conceive only if take responsibility of our actions and willing to take risks if its worth it.


No-Offense to every reader who accidentally drop by to my blog =.=