
Words to Remember

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
It was the first week of April 2011; sorry can't really remember the exact date, when I graduated. Our school invited a female guest speaker. She is definitely not your typical one, I mean she rocks! she's not too formal standing behind the podium giving her speech like it was some kind of sermon, but rather she's having a conversation with us; the graduating students! 

By the way, she is Gang Badoy  best known for co-hosting the radio talk show Rock Ed Radio on NU 107, and for being the founder of Rock Ed Philippines. She  was also given the Ten Outstanding Young Men or TOYM Award sometime in November 2010. (AND I WAS THERE during the TOYM Awarding and met her in personal!!) Salutations to you ma'am! I really admire you ;) The encounters with you, are...are one of the small events in my life that brought big enlightenment.

Back about what I was saying, yeah, her speech. The conversation/ speech she gave is long, not dreadfully (?) long but I can assure everyone it is not, in anyway, boring! I can't remember the exact words, but I can still recall her gestures on stage and the meaning of her every sentences like it all happened yesterday. And up until today, I treasure what I have understand, it has become my stepping ground and now, it is my motivation.

The ending of her speech is about us, or rather me; as an individual, a part of a community, a country, and a world. She said: "Someday, you will be the source" (Can't really remember the preceding sentences!) and that how I must be responsible with my usage of today's technology and such.

From that day on wards, I said and kept in mind, that not all adults are pain, There are others which are cool, and that includes her of course! I thought that I don't want to be an adult sooner cause every adult tends to be so stubborn that they forgot what it is to dream like you are not risking anything at all; like a child.

I will be the change, no matter how small I might be. 


oh how I wish I can rock the world Philippines the way she does \m/